211 research outputs found

    «Duas cartas unius tenoris per alphabetum divisas scripsi». Contributo a una geografia delle pratiche documentarie nell'Italia dei secoli XII e XIII

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    This study is inspired by the recent finding of some chartae partitae from the decades between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries preserved in the City Library and in the Diocesan Historical Archive of Viterbo and by the consequent discovery of a documentary phenomenon never noted by scholars until now for this city. As well as studying this particular documentary and unknown practice of the notaries of Viterbo, the Author extends the focus on the Italian panorama, comparing the case of Viterbo with those of Piedmont, Liguria and Sicily, where in the same centuries notaries used this documentary form for legal acts such as agreements, conventions, treaties and other bilateral actions, analyzing the reasons that led to the notaries of these different historical areas to use the charta partita, and identifying three different documentary areas inside which it was employed: the public one, the mercantile one and that of the instrumentum publicum. Finally, the Author considers in what way the words cyrographum, charta (or instrumentum) per alphabetum (or per ABC) partita (or partitum) were used in Italian documents. The artiche gives also, for the first time, the critical edition of five previously unpublished documents and an analytical description of the external features of al

    La curia dei priores et consiliarii : Campi Salini a Roma agli inizi del Duecento

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    Nel saggio si studiano e si pubblicano in edizione critica sette documenti degli anni Venti del XIII secolo, inediti e sconosciuti alla storiografia romana, dove si concentrano gli unici riferimenti all’associazione dei salinari romani come gruppo organizzato e come soggetto giuridico colletivo. Attraverso l’esegesi storico-giuridica di tali documenti e grazie all’analisi diplomatica delle loro forme esterne e interne, si ricostruiscono le vicende di questa organizzazione e se ne chiarisce la competenza giurisdizionale nel più ampio contesto dell’apparato giudiziario della Roma del primo Duecento, ma soprattutto si mettono a fuoco le caratteristiche di struttura e di forma delle scritture che essa produceva nello svolgimento della propria attività e le si inquadrano nell’ambito del sistema documentario romano e dei meccanismi di produzione e di conservazione di scritture documentarie della Roma di quel periodo, rilevando tra l’altro analogie di modelli documentari e di formulari, oltre che di atteggiamenti procedurali (nei confronti del diritto, dell’argomentazione e delle prove), con quelli impiegati dalla curia capitolina

    Bonconte Monaldeschi senatore di Roma, Manfredi ed Eugenio Duprè Theseider

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    Nel saggio si rileggono e reinterpretano gli eventi accaduti a Roma alla metà degli anni Cinquanta del XIII secolo, un periodo particolarmente confuso della storia di Roma e delle sue istituzioni municipali, la cui ricostruzione si basa quasi esclusivamente sui racconti di cronisti non romani e per lo più stranieri, i quali, tra l’altro, non sempre concordano sui fatti narrati e sulla loro cronologia. L’esegesi di fonti cronistiche fino ad oggi sottovalutate o sconosciute e il sostegno di un documento del febbraio 1256 ritrovato nell’Archivio Segreto Vaticano permettono all’autrice di riscrivere una pagina della storia di Roma nel tormentato biennio 1255-1256, di aggiungere un nome nuovo alla lacunosa lista dei senatori romani del Duecento e di rivalutare l’affidabilità e il peso della testimonianza offerta al riguardo dal famoso Manifesto di Manfredi ai Romani del maggio 1265, entrambi messi in discussione da Eugenio Duprè-Theseider a metà del secolo scorso. In appendice si pubblica il documento del febbraio 1265, che contiene anche interessanti informazioni sulla topografia medievale dell’Isola Tiberina a Roma.This paper re-reads and re-interprets the events occurred in Rome in 1250s, a particulary confused moment of Roman history. Till today, the reconstruction of this period was based almost exclusively on accounts of non-Roman reporters, who, among other things, do not always agree on the facts narrated and their chronology. The exegesis of sources and chronicles until now overlooked or unknown and the support of a February 1256 document found in the Vatican Secret Archives allow the author to rewrite this page in the history of Rome, to add a name to the incomplete list of Roman senators of the thirteenth century and to re-evaluate the reliability and weight of the the testimony offered in this regard by the famous Manifesto of Manfredi to the Romans (May 1265), both challenged by Eugenio Duprè-Theseider in the middle of the last century. In the appendix is published the already quoted document of February 1256, wich also contains interesting informations about medieval topography of the Tiber Island

    “Sicut inveni in thomo carticineo iam ex magna parte vetustate consumpto exemplavi et scripsi atque a tenebris ad lucem perduxi”. Condizionamenti materiali e trasmissione documentaria a Roma nell’alto medioevo

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    Partendo dall’esegesi delle fonti romane altomedievali, il saggio prima restituisce l’immagine di una società che, a partire dall’età di Gregorio Magno e per tutto l’altomedioevo, ha continuato a produrre documentazione scritta e a conservarla con cura, ma che poi non è stata in grado di trasmettere la sua memoria documentaria, condannando all’oblio la maggior parte dei testi prodotti entro la fine del IX secolo, e poi cerca una spiegazione a questa anomala tradizione nel conservatorismo delle pratiche di produzione documentaria che caratterizzarono il sistema cittadino nei primi secoli del medioevo. In particolare mettendo in relazione la mancanza di originali conservati prima della metà del X secolo e la successiva comparsa e immediata crescita in rapida progressione di testi documentari (che costituisce forse l’elemento più singolare e peculiare della tradizione documentaria romana) con il protrarsi dell’uso del papiro come unico o principale supporto scrittorio per testi documentari fino ai primi decenni del X secolo

    Ne de hoc posset aliquatenus dubitari: pratiche di falsificazione documentaria nella Viterbo dei primi anni del Duecento

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    Nel saggio si analizzano alcuni privilegi emessi dal comune di Viterbo tra fine XII e inizi XIII secolo, se ne dimostra la falsità e si ricostruiscono le vicende della falsificazione; inoltre si identificano il luogo dove i falsi sono stati elaborati, il periodo, gli artefici e le motivazioni che hanno ispirato la contraffazione

    Medicalización y cólera en Córdoba a fines del siglo XIX, las epidemias de 1867/68 y 1886/87

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    Una vez pasada primera la mitad del siglo XIX una nueva enfermedad comenzó a azotar la población Argentina generando pánico en la población y medidas por parte del Estado a fin de combatirla. El cólera castigó a la Argentina en tres momentos en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX 1867/68, 1886/87 y 1894 su impacto fue importante en las ciudades donde a su vez se producía un proceso de modernización creciente. Era también el momento en que la elite médica comenzaba una lenta pero inexorable legitimación y se encaramaba en el Estado como custodia de la salud de la población. Esta ponencia tiene como objetivo analizar, en los dos primeros brotes coléricos que se produjeron en la ciudad de Córdoba las estrategias, prácticas y conflictos de los diferentes actores que tuvieron lugar en momentos en que amenazaba y desarrollaban las epidemias de cólera. Los brotes epidémicos cobran, en este sentido, un valor muy importante pues son un indicador del grado de inserción de la elite médica en el Estado y de las estrategias por las cuales opta la medicina y otros actores sociales para combatirlas. De este modo, consideramos que la conformación de ciertas instituciones como el Consejo de Higiene Provincial y la Asistencia Pública municipal determinaron el ascenso de la elite médica a ciertos niveles del Estado, lugares desde donde pudieron legitimarse con el desarrollo ciertas estrategias de combate contra el cólera.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Feminismo y cáncer de mama, una estrecha relación

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    En estrecha relación con la etapa final de las transiciones demográfica y epidemiológica, el cáncer de mama (CM) es cada vez más frecuente en las mujeres. El número de casos aumenta en todo el mundo, con diferencias en la tasa de incidencia y mortalidad, según sea la región geográfica (Martínez-Montanez et al., 2009). Algunos factores han sido asociados a la ocurrencia de esta enfermedad, como los hábitos alimentarios, nuevas pautas de reproducción (disminución del número de hijos e hijas y de la práctica de lactancia materna) (Instituto de la Mujer 2007). Las desigualdades de género limitan la capacidad de las mujeres para proteger su salud (OMS 2009). (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Eje 13: La salud de nuestros cuerposFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Which resources help young people to prevent and overcome mental distress in deprived urban areas in Latin America? A protocol for a prospective cohort study

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    Introduction: Improving the mental health of young people is a global public health priority. In Latin America, young people living in deprived urban areas face various risk factors for mental distress. However, most either do not develop mental distress in the form of depression and anxiety, or recover within a year without treatment from mental health services. This research programme seeks to identify the personal and social resources that help young people to prevent and recover from mental distress. / Methods and analysis: A cross-sectional study will compare personal and social resources used by 1020 young people (aged 15–16 and 20–24 years) with symptoms of depression and/or anxiety and 1020 without. A longitudinal cohort study will follow-up young people with mental distress after 6 months and 1 year and compare resource use in those who do and do not recover. An experience sampling method study will intensively assess activities, experiences and mental distress in subgroups over short time periods. Finally, we will develop case studies highlighting existing initiatives that effectively support young people to prevent and recover from mental distress. The analysis will assess differences between young people with and without distress at baseline using t-tests and χ2 tests. Within the groups with mental distress, multivariate logistic regression analyses using a random effects model will assess the relationship between predictor variables and recovery. / Ethics and dissemination: Ethics approvals are received from Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires; Faculty of Medicine-Research and Ethics Committee of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá; Institutional Ethics Committee of Research of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and Queen Mary Ethics of Research Committee. Dissemination will include arts-based methods and target different audiences such as national stakeholders, researchers from different disciplines and the general public. / Trial registration number: ISRCTN72241383

    Identifying resources used by young people to overcome mental distress in three Latin American cities: a qualitative study

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore which resources and activities help young people living in deprived urban environments in Latin America to recover from depression and/or anxiety. DESIGN: A multimethod, qualitative study with 18 online focus groups and 12 online structured group conversations embedded into arts workshops. SETTING: This study was conducted in Bogotá (Colombia), Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru). PARTICIPANTS: Adolescents (15–16 years old) and young adults (20–24 years old) with capacity to provide assent/consent and professionals (older than 18 years of age) that had experience of professionally working with young people were willing to share personal experience within a group, and had capacity to provide consent. RESULTS: A total of 185 participants took part in this study: 111 participants (36 adolescents, 35 young adults and 40 professionals) attended the 18 focus groups and 74 young people (29 adolescents and 45 young adults) took part in the 12 arts workshops. Eight categories captured the resources and activities that were reported by young people as helpful to overcome mental distress: (1) personal resources, (2) personal development, (3) spirituality and religion, (4) social resources, (5) social media, (6) community resources, (7) activities (subcategorised into artistic, leisure, sports and outdoor activities) and (8) mental health professionals. Personal and social resources as well as artistic activities and sports were the most common resources identified that help adolescents and young adults to overcome depression and anxiety. CONCLUSION: Despite the different contexts of the three cities, young people appear to use similar resources to overcome mental distress. Policies to improve the mental health of young people in deprived urban settings should address the need of community spaces, where young people can play sports, meet and engage in groups, and support community organisations that can enable and facilitate a range of social activities

    Highlights of the 11th International Bordetella Symposium: From basic biology to vaccine development

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    Pertussis is a severe respiratory disease caused by infection with the bacterial pathogen Bordetella pertussis. The disease affects individuals of all ages but is particularly severe and sometimes fatal in unvaccinated young infants. Other Bordetella species cause diseases in humans, animals, and birds. Scientific, clinical, public health, vaccine company, and regulatory agency experts on these pathogens and diseases gathered in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 5 to 8 April 2016 for the 11th International Bordetella Symposium to discuss recent advances in our understanding of the biology of these organisms, the diseases they cause, and the development of new vaccines and other strategies to prevent these diseases. Highlights of the meeting included pertussis epidemiology in developing nations, genomic analysis of Bordetella biology and evolution, regulation of virulence factor expression, new model systems to study Bordetella biology and disease, effects of different vaccines on immune responses, maternal immunization as a strategy to prevent newborn disease, and novel vaccine development for pertussis. In addition, the group approved the formation of an International Bordetella Society to promote research and information exchange on bordetellae and to organize future meetings. A new Bordetella.org website will also be developed to facilitate these goals.Instituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula